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Date: 2019.10.9        Author: Admin

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Survey preview

Survey preview

After the editing of a survey is complete and the survey has been saved, it can be tested using the “Preview” button. In Preview mode, the survey is displayed according to settings; it can be displayed on desktop, tablet and mobile modes; its functionality is the same as for the respondent. If more adjustments are needed, the user may return to editing the survey by clicking “Edit survey”.

When the survey is done, the user may launch a campaign to collect answers. In Preview mode, the user may quickly launch a campaign by clicking “Start collecting answers”. For more information, see Campaigns.

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| 1.1.1. Welcome| 1.1.2. Register a new account| 1.1.3. Start| 1.1.4. Technical support| 1.2.1. New website| 1.2.2. New page| 1.2.3. Sections / Page BLOCKS| 1.2.4. Settings| 1.2.5. Save / Backup / Restore| 1.2.6. Background| 1.2.7. My pages| 1.2.8. Page settings| 1.2.9. Website header| 1.2.10. Website menu| 1.2.11. Publish| 1.2.12. Compatibility| 1.2.13. Specials blocks| 1.2.14. DATABLOCKS| 1.2.15. Contacts Form| 1.2.16. Numbers Shuffle - Game| 1.2.17. ChatBox| 2.1.1. WEB hosting| 2.2.1. Hosting plans| 2.3.1. Domain Names| 2.3.2. Register a new domain name| 2.3.3. Domain name management| 2.3.4. Add a SSL certificate| 2.3.5. Create a SSL certificate| 2.3.6. Domain Name Redirects| 2.4.1. SEO informations| 3.1.1. DRIVE| 3.2.1. Files storage| 3.2.2. API drive access| 3.2.3. Safe share files| 3.3.1. WebDO IDE| 4.1.1. Email| 4.1.2. Email Services Names| 5.1.1. Databases| 5.1.2. API key| 5.2.1. Micro data| 5.3.1. Datasets (test fake data)| 6.1.1. We use SOA| 6.2.1. Authorization| 6.2.2. File access| 6.2.3. SendMail| 6.2.4. QR Code| 6.2.5. Document storage API| 6.2.6. MicroData API| 6.2.7. SQL API| 6.2.8. IP API| 6.2.9. DRIVE API| 6.2.10. Link Redirects API| 7.1.2. WebDo CLOUD| 7.1.3. Services Domains| 8.1.1. Payment| 8.1.2. European VAT| 8.2.1. Privacy policies| 8.2.2. Refund policies| 8.2.3. Change web hosting plan| 8.2.4. Minimum order value| 9.1.1. Terms and conditions| 10.1.2. About us| 10.1.2. | 11.1.3. Newsletter Application| 11.2.1. Dashboard| 11.2.2. Subscribers| 11.2.3. Campains| 11.2.4. Email Builder| 11.2.5. Forms| 11.2.6. Forms Builder| 11.2.7. Subscribers Management| 11.2.8. Integrate a custom subscription form using webdo website builder| 12.1.1. Survey Application| 12.2.1. Dashboard| 12.2.2. Add/Edit survey| 12.2.3. Settings| 12.2.4. Campaigns| 12.2.5. Reports| 12.2.6. Survey preview| 12.2.7. Page jumps| 12.2.8. Question types| 13.1.1. E-Detailing Application| 13.2.1. Dashboard| 13.2.2. Presentations| 13.2.3. Campaigns| 13.2.4. Reports| 13.2.5. Templates|