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Date: 2019.9.4        Author: Admin

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Add/Edit survey

Add survey

By clicking Add Survey, the user is provided with three options for adding a survey:

-          From scratch;

-          From a predefined model; see bellow.

-          From a previously defined survey.

Adding Survey From Scratch (Start New)

To add a survey from scratch, insert a title; this can be edited later. After inserting a title, the application enters the survey editing mode.

The survey editing screen contains two main areas:

-          Survey settings;

-          Pages and questions.


Survey settings:

-          Logo: the survey may be accompanied by a logo image that is displayed on each page. To upload an image, use the upload button. Once the image has been uploaded, its placement relative to the title can be adjusted using position and alignment. Note that its display in the settings area is not WYSIWYG; to check the final display, use survey preview.

-          Other settings imported from user settings; see Settings.


Pages and Questions

The user may add, edit or remove pages in order to organize questions. Each page has a title and description and may feature a jump to another page if the survey has multiple pages. For more information, see Page jumps.

Within a page, the user may add, edit, remove, duplicate or move any question. Questions may be moved from one page to another.

Adding questions can be done in two ways:

-          Add from the collection: adds a question from a previously defined collection;

-          Add new question: adds a question of a selected type, with no predetermined content, that can be edited according to the user’s requirements. For more information, see Question Types. Once the user selects Add new question, the added question enters the editing state.


Editing questions involve:

-          Parameters specific to the type of the question (see Question Types);

-          Options: whether the question is required, as well as any error messages displayed to the respondent;

-          Media: a question maybe attached an image or a video. Images may be uploaded. Videos may be linked by URL or displayed by embedding. The placement of the image or video relative to the question text may be adjusted through position, alignment, and size;

-          Logic: for the question types “One value select”, “Multiple value select”, “Dropdown”, “Evaluation”, and “Star rating”, the user may define a jump to a specific page according to the value selected by the respondent. The jump is performed when the respondent clicks Next.

To move a question within a page, use the “drag and drop” icon found in the question toolbar. The question toolbar is only displayed when the mouse cursor is over the question.

To move a question to another page, use the “Move” button and select the destination page. The question is then added to the last position on the destination page and removed from the current page.

Removing a question requires an additional confirmation in order to avoid accidental removal.

Duplicating a question may be useful in case multiple similar questions occur in a given survey.

Predefined surveys

Adding a new survey may be done by using the set of predefined surveys. After the user selects a model from the list, the application adds a new survey that contains the pages and questions contained by the model. The user may then modify and save the survey.


Add from template

Predefined surveys may also be used when starting a survey from scratch, by clicking “Add from template”. After clicking the button, a window is displayed; it contains three areas:

-          Templates: contains a detailed list (pages and questions) of predefined survey models.

-          My surveys: contains a list of surveys added by the user.

-          Questions: contains a list of predefined questions.


For “Templates” and “My surveys”, the user may select entire pages by clicking the page name, or individual questions. Another method of selection is using tags - only selecting questions that belong to certain categories.

For “Questions”, the user may select questions individually or by using tags.

Copy existing

Creates a copy of an existing survey in order to edit it.

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| 1.1.1. Welcome| 1.1.2. Register a new account| 1.1.3. Start| 1.1.4. Technical support| 1.2.1. New website| 1.2.2. New page| 1.2.3. Sections / Page BLOCKS| 1.2.4. Settings| 1.2.5. Save / Backup / Restore| 1.2.6. Background| 1.2.7. My pages| 1.2.8. Page settings| 1.2.9. Website header| 1.2.10. Website menu| 1.2.11. Publish| 1.2.12. Compatibility| 1.2.13. Specials blocks| 1.2.14. DATABLOCKS| 1.2.15. Contacts Form| 1.2.16. Numbers Shuffle - Game| 1.2.17. ChatBox| 2.1.1. WEB hosting| 2.2.1. Hosting plans| 2.3.1. Domain Names| 2.3.2. Register a new domain name| 2.3.3. Domain name management| 2.3.4. Add a SSL certificate| 2.3.5. Create a SSL certificate| 2.3.6. Domain Name Redirects| 2.4.1. SEO informations| 3.1.1. DRIVE| 3.2.1. Files storage| 3.2.2. API drive access| 3.2.3. Safe share files| 3.3.1. WebDO IDE| 4.1.1. Email| 4.1.2. Email Services Names| 5.1.1. Databases| 5.1.2. API key| 5.2.1. Micro data| 5.3.1. Datasets (test fake data)| 6.1.1. We use SOA| 6.2.1. Authorization| 6.2.2. File access| 6.2.3. SendMail| 6.2.4. QR Code| 6.2.5. Document storage API| 6.2.6. MicroData API| 6.2.7. SQL API| 6.2.8. IP API| 6.2.9. DRIVE API| 6.2.10. Link Redirects API| 7.1.2. WebDo CLOUD| 7.1.3. Services Domains| 8.1.1. Payment| 8.1.2. European VAT| 8.2.1. Privacy policies| 8.2.2. Refund policies| 8.2.3. Change web hosting plan| 8.2.4. Minimum order value| 9.1.1. Terms and conditions| 10.1.2. About us| 10.1.2. | 11.1.3. Newsletter Application| 11.2.1. Dashboard| 11.2.2. Subscribers| 11.2.3. Campains| 11.2.4. Email Builder| 11.2.5. Forms| 11.2.6. Forms Builder| 11.2.7. Subscribers Management| 11.2.8. Integrate a custom subscription form using webdo website builder| 12.1.1. Survey Application| 12.2.1. Dashboard| 12.2.2. Add/Edit survey| 12.2.3. Settings| 12.2.4. Campaigns| 12.2.5. Reports| 12.2.6. Survey preview| 12.2.7. Page jumps| 12.2.8. Question types| 13.1.1. E-Detailing Application| 13.2.1. Dashboard| 13.2.2. Presentations| 13.2.3. Campaigns| 13.2.4. Reports| 13.2.5. Templates|