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Date: 2019.9.4        Author: Admin

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This is the place where you can create your first email campaign or browse through your sent and draft newsletters.

Each campaign comes with a small preview, general details and an overview of the most important statistics: recipients, open rate and click-through rate.

View a detailed report for each of your sent campaign or preview the whole newsletter.

You can access the Reports section of your sent campains, holding statistics regarding your campain subscribers interaction along with sent info & content.

The campaign creation process is simple and quick, with only 4 steps you need to go through after you’ve clicked on the CREATE CAMPAIGN button:

1. 1. Choose the subject of your campaign and fill in the sender details.

2. Create the content of your newsletter by either customizing one of our pre-made email templates, building your newsletter from scratch using our drag and drop email builder or duplicating an existing newsletter.

3. After you’ve created the design of your newsletter, select the recipients you want to send it to.

4. The last step in the campaign creation process contains an overview of your campaign details and a preview of your email. Send your campaign now, or save it as draft for later.

After your campaign has been sent, its reports can be checked in real-time. Go to the sent campaigns tab, click on View Report and watch your open and clicks rates grow! Other data, such as spam rate and unsubscribes are also available here.

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| 1.1.1. Welcome| 1.1.2. Register a new account| 1.1.3. Start| 1.1.4. Technical support| 1.2.1. New website| 1.2.2. New page| 1.2.3. Sections / Page BLOCKS| 1.2.4. Settings| 1.2.5. Save / Backup / Restore| 1.2.6. Background| 1.2.7. My pages| 1.2.8. Page settings| 1.2.9. Website header| 1.2.10. Website menu| 1.2.11. Publish| 1.2.12. Compatibility| 1.2.13. Specials blocks| 1.2.14. DATABLOCKS| 1.2.15. Contacts Form| 1.2.16. Numbers Shuffle - Game| 1.2.17. ChatBox| 2.1.1. WEB hosting| 2.2.1. Hosting plans| 2.3.1. Domain Names| 2.3.2. Register a new domain name| 2.3.3. Domain name management| 2.3.4. Add a SSL certificate| 2.3.5. Create a SSL certificate| 2.3.6. Domain Name Redirects| 2.4.1. SEO informations| 3.1.1. DRIVE| 3.2.1. Files storage| 3.2.2. API drive access| 3.2.3. Safe share files| 3.3.1. WebDO IDE| 4.1.1. Email| 4.1.2. Email Services Names| 5.1.1. Databases| 5.1.2. API key| 5.2.1. Micro data| 5.3.1. Datasets (test fake data)| 6.1.1. We use SOA| 6.2.1. Authorization| 6.2.2. File access| 6.2.3. SendMail| 6.2.4. QR Code| 6.2.5. Document storage API| 6.2.6. MicroData API| 6.2.7. SQL API| 6.2.8. IP API| 6.2.9. DRIVE API| 6.2.10. Link Redirects API| 7.1.2. WebDo CLOUD| 7.1.3. Services Domains| 8.1.1. Payment| 8.1.2. European VAT| 8.2.1. Privacy policies| 8.2.2. Refund policies| 8.2.3. Change web hosting plan| 8.2.4. Minimum order value| 9.1.1. Terms and conditions| 10.1.2. About us| 10.1.2. | 11.1.3. Newsletter Application| 11.2.1. Dashboard| 11.2.2. Subscribers| 11.2.3. Campains| 11.2.4. Email Builder| 11.2.5. Forms| 11.2.6. Forms Builder| 11.2.7. Subscribers Management| 11.2.8. Integrate a custom subscription form using webdo website builder| 12.1.1. Survey Application| 12.2.1. Dashboard| 12.2.2. Add/Edit survey| 12.2.3. Settings| 12.2.4. Campaigns| 12.2.5. Reports| 12.2.6. Survey preview| 12.2.7. Page jumps| 12.2.8. Question types| 13.1.1. E-Detailing Application| 13.2.1. Dashboard| 13.2.2. Presentations| 13.2.3. Campaigns| 13.2.4. Reports| 13.2.5. Templates|