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Date: 2016.10.19        Author: SysAdmin

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Files storage

Folders: (left panel menu)

Root folders are fixed. You can not add a new folder directly under the Root folder.

Press "New" from left panel to add a new folder to selected folder. The folder name can not be changed later, this restriction was made in favour of application performance, the object storage and micro-databases we use work faster this way. Keep in mind that folders names cannot be changed, the only way around is to delete a folder and create a new one. You can delete an empty folder only.

Files: (right panel menu)

Use "Upload" to add files to the selected folder.
Use "New" to create a new file. You may create files that can be edited, at this time we offer editors for text-based files having syntax support for them (html, js, json, css, ...)

Click on one file will trigger file download. If you choose "Open file" on download dialogue, please consider that you will open the file locally on your computer, any changes are not automatically saved to the cloud drive (you will need to save the file locally and upload to your cloud folder).

Right-click will open a short menu, you may choose available options for the file type (depends on file extension).

All files are kept encrypted on object storage, a dynamic key is used to encrypt or decrypt one file, the key is created in memory at file action request (upload, download) from two keys that are stored in different locations.

The web builder cannot upload directly files for download, to do that you need to publish your project in order to create the website file structure and next create files folder, upload files and add download links to your website.

Add file download links to a website created with the web builder.

- Use the CLOUD drive application to create a files folder under your website root-folder
      - Applications/webroot/builder/websites/<projectID>/files
- Upload files to the "files" folder
- Add download links to your file
       ( short link like "/files/myfile.ext" or full link like http://my-website-address/files/myfile.ext )

More information here.

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| 1.1.1. Welcome| 1.1.2. Register a new account| 1.1.3. Start| 1.1.4. Technical support| 1.2.1. New website| 1.2.2. New page| 1.2.3. Sections / Page BLOCKS| 1.2.4. Settings| 1.2.5. Save / Backup / Restore| 1.2.6. Background| 1.2.7. My pages| 1.2.8. Page settings| 1.2.9. Website header| 1.2.10. Website menu| 1.2.11. Publish| 1.2.12. Compatibility| 1.2.13. Specials blocks| 1.2.14. DATABLOCKS| 1.2.15. Contacts Form| 1.2.16. Numbers Shuffle - Game| 1.2.17. ChatBox| 2.1.1. WEB hosting| 2.2.1. Hosting plans| 2.3.1. Domain Names| 2.3.2. Register a new domain name| 2.3.3. Domain name management| 2.3.4. Add a SSL certificate| 2.3.5. Create a SSL certificate| 2.3.6. Domain Name Redirects| 2.4.1. SEO informations| 3.1.1. DRIVE| 3.2.1. Files storage| 3.2.2. API drive access| 3.2.3. Safe share files| 3.3.1. WebDO IDE| 4.1.1. Email| 4.1.2. Email Services Names| 5.1.1. Databases| 5.1.2. API key| 5.2.1. Micro data| 5.3.1. Datasets (test fake data)| 6.1.1. We use SOA| 6.2.1. Authorization| 6.2.2. File access| 6.2.3. SendMail| 6.2.4. QR Code| 6.2.5. Document storage API| 6.2.6. MicroData API| 6.2.7. SQL API| 6.2.8. IP API| 6.2.9. DRIVE API| 6.2.10. Link Redirects API| 7.1.2. WebDo CLOUD| 7.1.3. Services Domains| 8.1.1. Payment| 8.1.2. European VAT| 8.2.1. Privacy policies| 8.2.2. Refund policies| 8.2.3. Change web hosting plan| 8.2.4. Minimum order value| 9.1.1. Terms and conditions| 10.1.2. About us| 10.1.2. | 11.1.3. Newsletter Application| 11.2.1. Dashboard| 11.2.2. Subscribers| 11.2.3. Campains| 11.2.4. Email Builder| 11.2.5. Forms| 11.2.6. Forms Builder| 11.2.7. Subscribers Management| 11.2.8. Integrate a custom subscription form using webdo website builder| 12.1.1. Survey Application| 12.2.1. Dashboard| 12.2.2. Add/Edit survey| 12.2.3. Settings| 12.2.4. Campaigns| 12.2.5. Reports| 12.2.6. Survey preview| 12.2.7. Page jumps| 12.2.8. Question types| 13.1.1. E-Detailing Application| 13.2.1. Dashboard| 13.2.2. Presentations| 13.2.3. Campaigns| 13.2.4. Reports| 13.2.5. Templates|